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Category: Chofetz Chaim Animation

Chafetz Chaim Episode 40 – Final Episode

 The Halacha

Before telling someone that they are being harmed by another, you must be sure that something positive will be accomplished by sharing the information. If the person you are speaking to lacks the confidence or ability to confront the person who is causing them harm, then there is no constructive purpose and it would be considered Rechilus.

Link to original post: https://leverage.wistia.com/medias/n69bcsh61k

Chafetz Chaim Episode 35 – Coming to Seder

 The Halacha
Even though one is obligated to honor their father and mother, one may not do so if it entails a transgression from the Torah. Therefore, if one’s father or mother requests to know information about one of your siblings, but the truth will engender animosity, then it is forbidden to tell such information , for it is Rechilus. 

Link to original post: https://leverage.wistia.com/medias/tr1yh2ymsg

Chafetz Chaim Episode 32 – Shimmy Whirlwind

 The Halacha
When speaking about someone else’s child, you need to take the parents’ feelings into consideration. It is Rechilus to repeat to a mother what someone said about her child, even if it’s normal child behavior, because no mother would be happy to know that other people are talking not-so-nicely about her child.

Link to original post: https://leverage.wistia.com/medias/bzwqga4ljz