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Category: Announcements | הכרזות

Likutei Etzos Brain Storm

A New Chabura Has Been Born

“Likutei Etzos Brain Storm”!

A spirited group of Yerushalmis gather in Kollel Beis Hashem on Thursdays.

One topic is chosen each week.

Everybody reads an entry, elucidates, and spontaneous discussion erupts.

Chabura style.

If you can’t make it to the kollel, you’re missing half the fun!

The other half will be posted here regularly. Click here for the recordings

New Project: Taste of Tamid

Never a dull moment at L’negdi Tamid!

We’re hoping to send out short enrichment bites on a daily basis.

A few lines of chidushei chochmo and chizuk.

“Taste of Tamid”

If the daily imposition annoys you, please contact us.

We won’t be insulted.

Shavua Tov

Zohar Project

The Zohar Project has been launched!
Three lucky listeners have organized a private Zohar chabura.
All are welcome to catch the recordings posted here.

Announcing: Bullet Breslev

A fresh new kollel has been born in Nachalaot.

Shacharis begins later than most, but it’s intensely satisfying.

Before a gala Jerusalem breakfast, the chevra hunkers down for a blitz of Breslev.

We focus on pithy potent pieces delivered in five minutes or less.


Bullet Breslev shiurim