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Listen to our recordings
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- Click on the categories below to listen to past courses and learn more about each topic
- Announcements
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- Inches from the Kosel
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- A Little Lomdus
- Shemoneh Esreh Depth Charges
- Likutei Etzos Brain Storm
- Shimon HaTzaddik Would Say
- Avodas HaSefira
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- Yerushalayim Shiurim
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- Open Letter To Rabbeim
- Complete Hakdamas Maamar HaVikuach
- Complete Tzetil Katan
- Complete Rav Chaim on the Parsha
- אב Complete Sefer Hamidos
- Complete Chofetz Chaim
- Complete Rav Chaim Letters
- Complete Chofetz Chaim Animation
- Complete Mitzvos of Sefer Charedim
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- Or you can subscribe manually by following these instructions to join our Google Group called LNegdi Tamid
Connect with our members
- Click on Members (currently unavailable) to see a list of everyone that has registered on our site
- Many have shared their contact info, so you can contact them directly
Dedicate activities
- Check out our Dedication Opportunities for ways to dedicate our activities for whatever merit you choose.
Contact us at or (305) 537-6042 with any questions or requests
- Let us know if you’re interested in posting new content to the site