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Category: Taste of Tamid

Unbroken Aseres HaDibros For The 17th Of Tamuz

Unbroken Aseres HaDibros For The 17th Of Tamuz

1-Learn Tehillim perek 6 with Rashi.

2-Say Tikunei Zohar tikun 6 without trying to understand.

3-Tzedaka in denominations of 6 Dollars, Shekels, Piasters, Zlotys etc. (168 recommended for pesukim of Pinchos).

4-Focus on straight arm being a vav during act of tzedaka.

5-Shofar (gematria “lev nishbar”) as tikun for broken luchos.

6-Verbal hisbodidus to acheive lev nishbar.

7-Birchas “Es Tzemach”. Focus on the 22 words, and the emphasis on kav.

8-Say shalom many times (202 recommended). Focus on “vav shalem”.

9-Learn the first mishna of Mesechta Mikvaos with the Rav.

10-Install a rabbinically endorsed filter on your devices.

Have an easy fast!

Bilaam Lives On

Bilaam Lives On

Even in the Beis Medrash

We’ll never stop learning

Bilaam had that clear

How about lishma?

Bilaam’s in the air

Even in the Beis Medrash

Pinchos Lives On Too

Named Eliyahu

El Yud Heh Vav

Bring your own heh

ותזכה לדברים הרבה

Beauty And The Beast

Beauty And The Beast

Seventy nations petition Hashem for prophecy

Why only the Jews?

Bilaam was the most suitable choice

Most spiritual

His unearned spiritual upgrade drove him to bestiality

And beyond

מה טובו אהליך יעקב

Yaakov is in a good place

An ohel

A temporary space

Still struggles with the beast

משכנותיך ישראל

Yisroel is in the Mishkan

יפה נוף משוש כל הארץ




Korach Had Three Sons

Korach Had Three Sons

Believed in his mishkan

When everything went down

They shofared leaps and bounds

With nowhere to call home

They took refuge in Shalom

Korach Opposed Shalom

Korach Opposed Shalom

Shabbos and Tzitzis too

How could such a virtuous campaign

Capture the hearts of the Sanhedrin?

Korach carried the aron kodesh

Meaning, it carried him

How could he deny Torah m’Sinai?

Why does his name express baldness?

Why do we read Korach during summer vacation?

See you all Monday night 9pm EST

Don’t Be Like Korach

Don’t Be Like Korach

Or like his community

It’s an issur d’Orayso (Preface Chofetz Chaim)

Pharaoh, Bilaam, Esav, Amalek seem way worse

Why no issur to resemble them?

The First Zionists

The First Zionists

Ma’apilim, they’re called by Hashem

Good guys or bad?

Rav Tzadok defends them

כל מה שיאמר לך בע״ה״ב עשה חוץ מצא (פסחים פו:)

Rabbi Nachman told a chassid to go home

Then revealed that he had hoped the chassid had ignored his advice

Sadly, Rav Tzadok’s defense is tenuous

And Rabenu’s story doesn’t help either


Wear Them Out

Wear Them Out

To integrate

Allegiance and submission

A marrionette

On strings of light

The tightropes

Of creation

Things To Remember

Things To Remember

Arizal says four daily

Of those four

Yetzias Mitzrayim twice a day

מה נשתנה



Can’t be used to ascend the mizbayach

Considered indecent

But must be used when servicing the menora
